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Today we’re going to learn a little about how to draw Tinkerbell, the most famous fairy of all times. Being known from Disney’s Peter Pan animated movie, Tinkerbell has become one of the most beloved Disney characters. And since kids love it, they also want to know how to draw Tinkerbell. And that’s what we’re going to teach you here.
We have a couple of videos later on, but first, a step by step guide with pictures. So, get your tools ready (pencils, paper and stuff), get a good look on some Tinkerbell pictures just to get an idea of what we’re going to draw (in case you don’t know how Tinkerbell looks…) and let’s get started.
First steps: Now that you know how Tinkerbell looks, we’ll start our guide with a not so popular approach: We’ll draw without any helping lines, from head to bottom. And we’re going to start with the eyes. Then sketch the face line and then the hair. Now add extra details to the face, just like in the picture bellow. And then, we’ll get to drawing the body.
Drawing the body: We start by sketching the dress. After that, you have to draw Tinkerbell’s hands: one bended and one lying near the body. The pictures bellow will serve as perfect examples.
Final steps: Now that the upper part of the body is finished, we have to draw the legs and wings. It’s pretty simple, just watch how it’s done in the picture bellow, and try to make them yourself. In the end, you can always add more details and color to your Tinkerbell drawing.
That concludes this very simple but effective guide, with the pictures taken from here. There’s also another approach to drawing Tinkerbell: using sketch lines for every part of the body before starting to draw the actual character. This idea is illustrated in the video drawing guide below:
And in the end, here’s another great video with a skilled artist in action. If you will follow the guides presented in this post and practice a lot, you might one day get to draw as fast and as great as he/she does.
That concludes our how to draw Tinkerbell guide post. But stay tuned for more Disney characters guides to come in the near future.
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19 Responses for "Draw Tinkerbell – how to draw Tinkerbell"
hey reply 2 me pupes JK tink R O X she rox my world
this looks good but you did’nt draw it by hand
[…] We’ll be looking for other interesting coloring pages with Tinkerbell and other fairies in the future, so stay tuned for more updates. Oh, and if you check out the following link, you’ll also find out how to draw Tinkerbell too. […]
tink is awsome
thank you this was great
it was good but i could do better
hay I love tinkerbell but I can not drall her
yeah i like her to but she is hard for me to draw her but i can draw her i have painted 1 picture of her on a bored
well thats good
tinkerbell is really good to draw ,i aist it ,i’m really good on drawing .it’s not really hard to draw anyway.i love tinkerbell.
I love tinker bell she is like omg awosme
i love you tinkerbell
Tinkerbell has been my favorite character since kindergarten. She’s really my favorite Walt Disney productions character, and my only heroine in Disney productions.
Heyy I Love This Site It Helps Me With Mi Homework Quite Alot Drawing Tinkerbeell <3
Thankss Sooo Muchh XXXX <3
<3 hehehe tinkerbell is awesome i love her <3
i love u tinker bell and now i know how to draw u yeah yeah lol
I look up Tinkerbell drawings on the internet and i draw everything on her other than her face and hands because those are super detailed so i am a pretty good artist…..
love her:)
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