How to Draw Guide - learn how to draw manga, cartoons and others

How to draw guide – learn how to draw

Learn how to draw manga, how to draw cars and how to draw anime from our guides

Today we’re going to learn how to draw chibi. What’s a chibi you might ask? Oh my oh my… Well, it’s kind of hard to explain. A chibi is a short, funny and squishy caricature of what are usually regular anime/manga (or other) characters. Their a lot shorter and with bigger heads. For more details, check out Wiki.

Learn to draw chibi

But enough about this. We’re here to draw chibi not to discuss about it. Mainly, if you’re a pretty good anime drawer you should not have any problem with the chibi people. We can’t say there are any particular rules for drawing chibi, everyone does it as they want to. Below you can find a couple of examples.

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learn how to draw children facesThere are a couples of tips for drawing children’s anime faces every manga/anime drawer should know. Of course, these are mainly pointed towards beginners, as I’m sure the advanced ones know them for a while.

But here we go. You know that every face starts with a circle and a cross, that will help you position the elements. I’ve told you that over and over again. For a child though, this guideline should be as round as possible, oval heads being more suitable for grownups.

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Learn how to draw anime face expressionsAfter you learned how to draw manga faces a couple of days ago, it’s now time for more tips about how to draw anime faces. In the next paragraphs you will learn how the various parts of the face work together to convey different emotions. Once you learn what features to change to achieve the look you want, you should be able to draw any anime face expression you want.

Every anime/manga face sketch starts with a circle. It could be round or more or less oval. In this circle, you draw a cross, a guideline that will help you place face elements. You will then position the eyes, nose, mouth, etc and they will determine the face expression.

Anime face expressions

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How to draw manga faces

The face is one of the most important and expressive part of a manga character. That’s why today we are going to learn how to draw manga faces. In order to do that, we’re going to watch a couple of pictures of various types of manga faces, then learn the basics from a couple of guides and in the end, watch some videos of experts doing what they know best: drawing manga faces.

Now, there are as many manga faces types as human’s face expressions: countless. The images below show only a few of them, but remember, you can learn how to draw faces expressing almost everything: from sorrow till happiness.

 Lots of manga faces - learn how to draw them

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After you learned the basics of drawing graffiti letters last week, we are now coming back with a new episode about graffiti: how to draw graffiti characters. And, what other better sources for you to learn, then a couple of great videos with masters at work?

Yes, we’re not having step by step guides in this post, just videos. Remember, watch the videos a couple of times and then try copying what these guys do, by pausing the clips and drawing your own versions on paper. It may take a while to get the graffitii done, but with lots of practice, they might even get close to the examples.

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Drawing graffiti is very tricky. At first, you’ll sucks badly at this and everyone will laugh of your creations, but in time, with lots of practice, you may end up to be a great artist. Cause yes, graffiti drawing is an art. And we’re not talking about graffiti on walls or train cars, we’re talking about legal stuff drawn on paper, with pencils.

Like i said, it will be very hard for you to become a skilled graffer, but if you plan to start on this road, there are a couple of things you might need to know about drawing graffiti that will come in handy.

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Today I’m going to show you something a little different than our usual drawing tutorials.  As me and Mike, both witnessed one awesome Metallica concert a few days ago, with the lead singer on great form, I thought I would post a tutorial on how to draw James Hetfield. To start it off, here is a photo of James, so all of us can have a clear picture of who we are aiming to draw.(Photo credits go here)

Learn to draw James Hetfield

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Hey everybody! Today I’m going to show you how to draw a star, using a quick 3 step guide that will get you there in no time. A basic 5 corner star is our goal and we’re gonna achieve it in just a couple of minutes.

Learn to draw this star

Now that we had a look at our 5 corner star, let’s get drawing!

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Learn how to draw a dog

I have prepared something special for today’s lesson, a 5 step guide on how to draw a cartoon dog! Man’s best friend, what better character to light up your drawings, than a puppy, just like the one in the picture bellow?

Learn to draw this dog

What we are going to do is take it one step at a time, going from basic shapes, like circles and curved lines, to a fine looking doggy, as seen here. In every step of this guide on how to draw a cartoon dog, all you have to do is follow the red lines and that’s all there is to it! Let’s get started!

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Learn to draw this fishI’m going to show you how to draw a cartoon fish, today. There is a very simple way that you can use to create a nice looking character, just like the one in this illustration. All you have to do is follow this quick 4 step guide on how to draw a cartoon fish.

These simple set of images(as examples) and instructions will teach you how you can go from basic geometrical shapes, like squares and triangles, to a very lively tropical fish. So, here we go:

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